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Prof. Liu Zhen-Huan

Prof. Liu Zhen-Huan

Director Rehabilitation Child of Hospital China
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine


Vice president of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine's Affiliated Maternity and Child Care Hospital is Professor LIU ZHEN-HUAN. The hospital's director of rehabilitation and doctoral advisor at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Prof. Liu was one of the pediatricians in China who received the special state Council allowance in 1994. In 2002, the Healthy Ministry of China honored Prof. Liu with the title of "prominent contribute youth expert." Prof. Liu is also an adjunct professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Health Institute, and Pharmacy. Professor Liu is a well-known pediatric neurology/acupuncture doctor around the world. He has worked in cerebral palsy rehabilitation for 20 years and has spent more than 30 years studying TCM and Western pediatrics. He established the Restoration Place for Cerebral Paralysis of the Associated Maternity and Youngster Care Clinic of Guangzhou College of Conventional Chinese Medicine which is one of the widely acclaimed's clinical division. Since its inception, it has accommodated more than 30,000 children with cerebral palsy and mental retardation from a wide variety of nations, including China, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, Poland, and others. Additionally, Prof. Liu has been involved in the academic community. In the field of the application and evaluation of the application of acupuncture treatment for brain and cerebral palsy rehabilitation in children all over the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, Norway, and so on, since 1993, he has been giving seminars and participating in academic exchange programs with world-renowned scholars from Oxford University and Cambridge University.

Research Interest

Pediatric Neurology and Acupuncture.